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My Opinion On Wonder Woman And Fantastic Directing By Patty Jenkins

‘Wonder Women’, a film produced by DC film universe and directed by Patty Jenkins is based on the superhero fiction. For sure, the previous entries in the Warner Bros. have given us successful and demystified takes on Superman and Batman, but all of them were skeptical and exemplified do-good heroism.


Film Feminist Impression

Unlike Christopher Nolan and Richard Donner, Patty Jenkins’ “Wonder Woman” provides a welcome aura to the audience and ensures a continuous entertainment. Gal Gadot has proved to be an inspiring choice for the director to present an avatar of truth, justice, and humanity.

The film has no experience as the other franchise entries but this character has left a wonderful feminist impression on the audience and film critics. This character is so inspiring that the film goers can place Diana Princess along the previous superheroes of the Hollywood. The wonder woman was an American mythical figure but here she is a warrior and aims to fight for the wellness of America.

Wonder Woman Becomes One of the Top 20 Biggest Movies of All Time
Wonder Woman Becomes One Of The Top 20 Biggest Movies of All Time

Lilly Aspell And Emily Carey

We have seen a lot before the Wonder Woman but this film offers some changes in the plot that appears something different from the previous entries. The director has managed to maintain newer concept as compared to those who used to have distracting cameos and future of the scientific advancements to protect the whole world.  Themyscira, a home to all female society of Amazons gives an experience of lush-green landscapes, misty colours, and a sanctuary of tribes sheltered by Zeus whom Diana helps fight against the war god Ares. The art to combat the invader is beautifully filmed that makes a difference. Lilly Aspell and Emily Carey have played the role of 8-year-old and 12-year-old Diana Princess who was the only child on the island, has been well presented. Diana’s mother Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen) manages to train her with a combat training and her aunt Antiope (Robin Wright) who is the tribe’s chief field general agrees to train her in secret. As Diana becomes an adult she is ready to welcome all comers with her traditional combat skills and supernatural capabilities.
The setting of 1918 in Themyscira seems realistic and a crippled German warplane that crashes the island shores has been beautifully filmed.

The princess rescues the pilot, an American soldier, Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) who describes the Great War raging outside the protected island. Diana suspects that Ares has all set to approach the island gets ready to confront him. Diana and Steve sail to London where the audience can enjoy some light comedy when this super-woman tries to project her as a normal girl. She finds difficult to dress up like a normal woman and participate in the ball-room dance party.

“Wonder Woman” is the first major superhero film in the list that has been directed by a woman and it is itself a trendsetter in terms of the lover of feminism. Diana has been framed as an idol of power, humanity and a savior of womankind that exists on the island. The battle sequence has been beautifully filmed and every moment during the battle looks real and noteworthy because the invaders are intended to capture the island irrespective of its female demography.  The exhilarating slow-motion mayhem of Diana’s personality gives a perfect account of professional choreography.

Wonder Woman In Action

“Wonder Woman” As Role

Within two and a half hours of stretch, the “Wonder Woman” has been played various roles of being a victim, an intellectual child, an innocent woman, and a perfect warrior. This becomes the USP of the film. Pine plays a support to the lady who not only assists her in her objectives but also entertains her with his humour and comedy while he tries to impress her time to time. Being other characters everyone has made justice to their respective characters and it is the most significant support to the role of the leading lady.
The film’s best scene comes probably when Diana decides to climb out of the trenches, dressed like a fully-loaded super-woman and walks closer towards the gunfire of the German soldiers. A worth watch movie with lots of breath-taking experiences that will blow your mind if you are a movie savvy.

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